Join the fight against scammers with Seraph Secure

Get protection developed by experts with over 7 years of experience investigating scams and financial fraud.

Software Assisted by AI

Block Remote Connections

Detects and blocks remote software which scammers use to gain unauthorized access to your device.

Block Scam Websites

Our advanced heuristics use pattern recognition to protect against thousands of scam websites.

Block Website Spoofing

Monitors for imposter websites and URL typos.

Detect Utility Abuse

Warns about possible misleading use of command-line utilities such as netstat or task manager.

Seraph Secure Threat Scanner

Immediately remove active connections scammers use to access your device and get instant alert notifications when threats are detected, ensuring peace of mind for your business and customers.

Connect With Us:

Our unique research-based approach and advanced AI-driven heuristics help us identify and mitigate scam threats, providing unparalleled protection.

We offer consulting and integration services customized to your specific business needs.

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