Protecting Seniors Together

Strengthen your efforts to keep the most vulnerable safe online with Seraph Secure.

You likely know someone who's fallen victim to a scam

As older adults spend more time online, the risk of being targeted by scammers increases.
Now you can proactively prevent scams from taking place, protect family members, and safeguard your personal information.
24/7 Protection with
Real-Time Alerts

Assign a guardian to each account with Seraph Secure and get real-time alerts when a family member is at risk.

Guardians will be notified in real time with an email and text message.

Guard against:

  • Remote Access Tools Used by Scammers
  • Known Scam Websites
  • Low Reputation Websites
  • Fake Virus Pop-up Alerts
  • URL Typos that Lead to Fake Websites
Let Us Help
On-Screen Warnings
When a Potential Scam is Detected
Real-Time Alerts
Sent to Your Guardian

With Seraph Secure, you can assign guardians for real-time family alerts via email and text.

Never be caught off-guard again. Now you are able to know exactly when a scam or threat has occurred, and can stop it before it ever starts.

Trusted protection built by fraud experts
Stop Scammers From Accessing Your Computer

Scammers often use software to gain access to a victim's computer. Seraph Secure keeps you safe by automatically detecting and denying their attempts to connect to your computer.

Block Scam

Get protection from thousands of known scam websites that put you and your computer at risk.

Block Fake Virus

Blocks fake virus pop-ups that deceive users by displaying false infection alerts, aiming to prompt harmful actions like downloading rogue software.

Get In Touch and Customize Your Plan
Talk To Us

Get peace of mind that you and your loved ones are safe online.